Commerce, Services and Tourism
Akin to other economic activities in Brazil, the business of commerce and services is undergoing a modernizing process that aims to provide high-quality goods at low costs. However, there is no concentration of the branches in these sectors that most create jobs, besides being mainly comprised of small and medium-sized companies.
Aware of such a scenario, the BNDES provides financial support lines properly designed for every company that operates in the Brazilian commerce and services sector. The purpose is to encourage, support and monitor the development of projects related to these sectors, constantly focusing on increasing production and efficiency within Brazilian companies.
The BNDES also offers special loans to projects aimed at revitalizing the infrastructure of projects in education, health, social assistance and tourism. The BNDES also supports the development of corporate efforts focused on establishing partnerships between public and private entities.
The BNDES seeks to foster the development of the book market in Brazil by offering special conditions to the literary works segment.
Support may be provided for investments in the purchase of copyrights (except for foreign authors), translation to and from Portuguese, technical proofreading, preparation of pre-industrial drafts and final proofreading of books and their special versions in other media (books in Braille, audio books, CD-ROM etc), involving the production and sale of books in the domestic and international markets, through the credit lines FINEM and BNDES Automatic.
The BNDES also intends to finance the book production business for the purchase of new machinery and equipment produced in Brazil, under the credit line FINAME, and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises may also use the BNDES Card to purchase goods and printing paper, staple products in the publishing industry.
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